SHOP X Mural
An E-commerce company with an attitude, 10i with their brand Shop X aims to deliver innovative ways to solve e-retail issues. We were tasked with beautifying their brainstorming area within the office space. Our playground was a massive 110 square feet wall which we converted into an 'inspiration centre'. The vision was to get people to think creatively.
The idea was to provide 10i's employees a space that allowed them to break away from the hustle and bustle of the corporate world, so that they could recharge and get inspired by the visuals and think creatively. The wall was met with great appreciation by the folks in the office and has become the favourite hang out spot for all that work there! We incorporated some word play and symbolic elements that traced back to being inspired and talked about ideas without being too boring. Corporate spaces can be fun as well, and this mural proves just that!
Shop X mural

Shop X mural

Wall mural for the leisure and brainstorming area at the SHOP X office
